Monday, July 19, 2010

Entry 11 - Decisions... Decisions... Decisions...

The following are conceptual signs that I might see throughout the day if more of my decisions came down to following signs such as walk/don't walk like you might find on a busy street corner.

Image 1)
This would be the first sign I see each day. When that I alarm goes off - do I listen to the radio and drag my butt out of bed? Or do I turn it off and go back to sleep? Well, I usually don't mind going to work - so it's usually up and into the shower I go.

Image 2)
This might be the second major decision I make each day - do I use my bike to commute - or do I take the Mini. As it's typically about 95 degrees when I am leaving for work - I tend to take the car most of these hot summer days. Once summer eases up, the bike will be the primary mode of transportation to and from the office.

Image 3)
This is an image I think should be on car dashboards. When ever the car is in gear, than the "NO!" image should appear. But if the driver has the car in park, or neutral with the e-break on, then they driver would get the "OK!" symbol. Personally, I think texting and driving is very irresponsible.

Image 4)
I'm on a diet right now - so food is often on my mind. I keep a cabinet at work stocked with cereal, but often times coworkers will bring in donuts to share. It's a tough call when I get into the office between that yummy donut or my Special K with strawberries.

Image 5)
Another food choice - I am surrounded by fastfood restaurants. Within a 1/4 mile I have a Burger King, McDonalds, a Jack in the Box, a Wendy's, a Panda Express, a Chick-fil-A, a subway, a Boston Market and a Taco Bell. Then there are all the mom & pop restuarants within walking distance. It's tough to stick to a packed lunch when you have all these yummy (though unhealthy) fast food places so close to you at the workplace.

Image 6)
My final image. This was the hardest for me to conceptualize in a simplistic manner. I wanted to show the choice some of us have at work to 'Surf the Web' or to remain busy and productive. I think I did a good job. (The lower PC screen pays homage to a particular favorite movie of mine).

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