Monday, July 12, 2010

Entry 8 - Word/Image Association

In this entry, I will be discussing my the images I chose to associate with particular emotional words.

Anger - Clockwise from the bottom right:
1) I started with several images of Marvel Comics' Incredible Hulk. I chose this one as it's iconic of "Hulk get Mad - Hulk get Angry - Hulk Smash" which is near about his registered trademark.
2) Angry Robot - this the actual icon for the publisher, Angry Robot. Most of their publications are horror, sci-fi, urban fantasy and traditional fantasy fiction. I just really like their icon - and am a fan of their printed genres. Liking sci-fi, I was tempted to use an Anakin/Darth Vader image (Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to blah blah cookies blah blah...)
3) Mr. Grumble. This is one of the many Mr Men, which is a series of children books. I recall an old teacher of mine in Sunnymead (or Armada?) Elementary School (California) would read these to us at recess if you did not want to go out for recess. There's also a Mr Moody - he'd also be fitting for this collage.
4) Metallica's St. Anger album cover. I'm not a really big Metallica fan, but I do like some of their stuff from the late 80's and early 90's. Their symphony album was also pretty neat. This album is from 2003. The album art I think fairly represents its name, St. Anger.
5) Angry Wolf image. I found this image googling the interwebs. It's fairly iconic of anger in nature. Wild dogs and other animals often show their teeth as a sign of aggression.

Sad - clockwise from bottom right:
1) This is an Army solider playing taps in a military cemetery. I've twice served on funeral detail while serving in the Army. Taps would always choke me up, even though I did not know the soldier/airman/sailor/corpsman that passed away. Its a proud sadness of honoring one whose served their country, but a sadness nonetheless.
2) Daisy. I liked this one as it was a lone daisy which almost seems to have tears coming from it.
3) Orangutan - 'Tangs' have a natural down-turned/saggy face which gives them a sad-looking appearance. I think a lot of animals, especially mammals, often look sad. I believe it's their big eyes, especially when they look up at you with a lowered head.
4) Mufasa - This is image to which I am sure conjures sad emotions in most people, that of the proud king and father, Mufasa, the male patriarch in Disney's The Lion King. This is an artist's rendition of Mufasa after he was murdered by his brother, Scar.
5) Golden Era Comic - a traditional (1950's?) take on a female comic character.

Joyous - Clockwise from bottom right
1) I love Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes. I think we can all relate to Calvin on some level. This image is just the two them caught in a fit of laughter.
2) LOLCats. Laugh-out-loud Cats is an internet sensation, and this is the primary image that started this online trend. LOL has become iconic to today's technology and its used to express happiness, joy and laughter.
3) Manhiem Streamroller's Christmas album art - Christmas, to me, is synonymous with joy. I chose this image as it also has the innocent and happy child.
4) Joyous Respite - This is a painting by the artist Rebecca Guay. She's done a lot of fantasy style artwork for different games and magazines. The title of this picture of Joyous Respite, and is well-named for the image of harmonious natural environment.
5) Snoopy! - I was doing a search for "dance" think I might find some happy dancer image, and came across dancing snoopy. I thought this a good image as it shows a very happy snoopy - and often times people are very happy dancing.

Uninspired - Clockwise from bottom:
1) First we have an old telephone. Notice all the fancy features of this phone. We have a rotary dial... and... um... that sleek corded handset. I picked this one as it was a reflection of the work I do every day, a lot of which involves configuring phones with over 100 features. Even when touch-tone phnes were later sold and leased by AT&T, they were still absent of any extra features we find on our phones and cellular phones today.
2) TV Dinner. Food does not get more uninspired than this.
3) Despair poster - Lazy. Laziness is synonymous with uninspired. This is one of many of's demotivational series of posters.
4) The Office - Even though I've worked for many "Office-like" environments over the years, I only just started watching this show via Netflix about 4 months ago. I love it. It cracks me up. The workers at Dunder Mifflin paper company are often left uninspired by their manager, Michael Scott.
5) Rubik's Cube - I thought this an ideal gift for the uninspired, unmotivated friend.

Scared - Clockwise from bottom right:
1) "Scardy-Cat" - Halloween or anytime icon of a scared cat.
2) Mini Cooper - I love my Mini Coopers. This image, to me, is terrifying.
3) Scared Eggs - I could not help but to include this one, as it cracked me up.
4) Blair Witch Project - Many of us enjoy horror movies. And this was the first item I searched the web for when given the word, "scared."
5) 40. For some of us it's 30... others it's 50, 60, 70... ... it seems like with each decade we live, we fear the following decade even more.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I think I mistook the assignment - thinking now that I only need one image of each of the five elements - not five of each.
