Monday, July 26, 2010

Entry 17 - Rocks ~&~ Cerries!!

Source: Motor Trend: July, 2010

I liked this ad for my journal entry 17 – in part because I think it’s a good example of color – but also for a color reference.

This ad uses colors that both compliment and contrast well. The background color is a light yellow or khaki color that contrasts excellently with the three dark images of the road, the truck, and the product itself, the red can of Mother’s car wax – creating a complimentary harmony.

This background also works well with one of the main focuses of the ad, that of the stripes in the road. These two yellows are analogous of each other or maybe even monochromatic (shades and tints of a single color). I think the colors work well to focus the eye on the center image. This image in turn, makes you want to read the body. I think this is actually a pretty crafty advertisement in how it lures you into reading. Sure – it’s just a rock – but it represents a possible dent/ding/scratch in my beloved car.

This ad’s body also states: “We can only hope that one day, some little girl finds you, paints you PURPLE, sticks little googly eyes on you and names you Sally.” This aligns well with our class’s learning in that the color “purple has a feminine and romantic quality” and “is said to enhance the imagination and thus is used in decorating children's rooms.”

Maxim Magazine - July, 2010

My second ad can be summed up easily: Red, red and more red.

Skyy is a brand of Vodka, and like most brands of vodka these days, they have many flavored infused varieties. This ad is obviously for cherry flavored vodka.

They use red for the lipstick, skin make-up, cherries, some type and the background image. The main colors in this ad, the reds (mentioned above), the blue bottle and the yellow/brown skin tones create a near-triadic color harmony.

Additionally, there is some white in the image. The Caucasian woman and the lettering on the bottle (white) – along with the strong red and blue elements almost make this ad patriotic for American readers, and it was fitting for the back cover of my July Maxim (i.e. July 4th).

The ad is already sexy with the use of the cherries and the made up women faces – but red, a color that represents sex, passion, love, energy, and heat – is an excellent choice for an ad for either a young men’s magazine. I could see this same ad being used in a similarly formatted women’s magazine such as Cosmopolitan. This add though, might fail in some parts of Africa though, as red is often representational of death or mourning.

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